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$0 raised of $20,000 0.00%
Congo Brazzaville, Ville de Pointe-Noire, Congo
Un don pour les victimes du Cancer du sein
$0 raised of $25,000 0.00%
RD CONGO, Democratic Republic of Congo
Projet de création de la première plateforme d'apprentissage professionnelle en ligne
$0 raised of $9,850 0.00%
RD.CONGO, Democratic Republic of CongoBrowse by Category
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$0 raised of $20,000 0.00%
Congo Brazzaville, Ville de Pointe-Noire, Congo
Un don pour les victimes du Cancer du sein
$0 raised of $25,000 0.00%
RD CONGO, Democratic Republic of Congo
Projet de création de la première plateforme d'apprentissage professionnelle en ligne
$0 raised of $9,850 0.00%
RD.CONGO, Democratic Republic of CongoE-Collecta Fund
The E-Collecta Fund is a branch of the e-Collecta platform whose mission is to solicit and collect donations from people of good will; with the aim of financing charities, campaigns, projects of different people who are in need. Funds raised through our fund are transferred to carefully selected causes, projects, campaigns and businesses. We provide updates on the funds collected and their use in financing different causes. We know you care about others and would like to be transparent about how your donation is used. That's why we're showing you how every dollar was spent, how you made a difference, and how grateful the recipients of these funds are.
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